3 min read

You Are Here

You Are Here
DALL-E You Are Here in the style of Wassily Kandinsky

Imagine a map of every experience you’ve ever had. The map isn’t flat like a paper map or spherical like a globe. There’s no up or down, beginning or end, yet there’s a point within the map with a small sign that reads, You Are Here.

The map is the spiral of experience. The spiral has a point for every experience that you’ve ever had or ever will have. Many of the points are human story points that unfold in the physical realm of time and space. Other points are the intervals between death and birth, the non-physical states. There are pre-story points on the spiral of experience, marking a state of being before there were human beings, bodies or a planet to put them. But by far the most significant point on the map is the point of the post-story.

What’s fascinating about human stories is not their content but the degree of consciousness that the human actor brings to the story. It doesn’t matter whether you were a pharaoh in Egypt, a princess in Poland or a farmer in Manitoba, a story is a measure of the consciousness of the lead actor, you. But no matter how grand human stories are, they are limited expressions of consciousness. Eventually the actor grows tired of the act and looks for a way to go beyond the stories.

Assume You Are Here, at the point where you Journey beyond the stories. There is nothing more to squeeze out of the human experience and deep down, you know it. The human gig is finished. This is realization.

Do you hear the applause and the band playing? Good, because there isn’t any band. No one is clapping and no one really cares whether you’re realized or not. Well, a few of us do. Realization is not what the human, busy acting out stories, will ever understand or achieve. It’s simply not possible to realize who and where you are from within the human story, by design.

I call the end of stories a post-story. I don’t know what else to call it. There’s no template for a post-story, although Kuthumi offers a pretty good example. The fact is, we don’t know much about the post-story because few humans have come this way.

I like the term post-story, because it’s practical, not too lofty and attainable. Realization, enlightenment and ascension, whatever you want to call it, are way over hyped. So what if you’re a realized being. It’s what you do afterward that counts. Ever wonder why, out of 12,000 plus ascended beings, only a handful are ever channeled? If you don’t hang around Earth after realization, what do you have to say? Not much. Staying embodied is not without challenges and maybe that's why they left so fast. One annoyance is all of the other humans, acting out stories that will make you want to scream but the biggest hurdle is the fact you cannot drag guilt, doubt, fear, remorse, regret and shame with you into realization. Do you like dragons? I hope so because your very own dragon won’t let you cross the threshold of realization with baggage.

Letting go of the junk and bringing experience to wisdom must be done while in the body. You can’t release the story on the other side, which explains why most beings are pulled back into a body, a story and another incarnation. Journeying is about staying in the body, enhancing the cellular communication of the body with light and ultimately taking the body with you when do decide to leave the planet.

There's never a dull moment in the post-story. It's going to feel a bit strange at first to have one foot in the physical world and one in the non-physical realms but it has to be that way so other humans can sense a presence, which is light, even though they won't see you half the time. The reason to stay embodied on Earth is light. You radiate light, not visible light but an illumination that other humans can sense. The light illuminates paths that are not visible from within the human story. Whether or not they sense the path depends on where they are in their Journey, as it did with you.

A nagging question remains. If we placed the sign in the spiral, then why did it take so long to find it? Only you can answer that and in a way it doesn’t matter. The point is, you are here.
