3 min read


Photo by Nurgissa Ussen / Unsplash

When I touch something, living or not, I create space. The sense of touch gives me a sense of the space between me and the thing I touch. There's no distance or time in space, only light. The light is omnipresent and the light is mine. I am the light. So are you. We create space to understand light and ultimately who we are.

Of the five physical senses, touch is the only full body sense. The other four senses are located in the area of the head and often fall pray to the scrutiny the mind. The mind tends to get in the way of the senses, which is why touch is a good place to begin exploring space.

Massage is an example creating space using touch. One body gives touch, the other body receives touch. Massage has one goal: create space in the body. If we are receiving a massage, then we feel space as relaxation. When space is created, the space simultaneously fills with light—not the giver's light but the light of the receiver. A space giver doesn't send light to any body. All a giver can do is set the table, so to speak. It's up to the receiver to bring light to the dinner.

I contend that the senses, the five physical senses and the many thousand non-physical senses, create space. It's up to us to fill the space with our light. Light is a given. Space is a choice. When I practiced massage, I noticed that a significant number of bodies could not receive their own light. When a body does not receive, massage is hard work.

One would think that receiving is easy, given that the body is mostly empty space. If you've ever peered into a microscope, hoping to catch a glimpse of some biological bits and pieces, the first thing you notice is a lot of space. When you do find a cell and zoom in, there's even more space. The human body is designed to hold light. Lot's of it.

I create space so I can fill it with light. Light is the basis of reality which means that my light creates reality. I can't share light and we don't share reality, despite the illusion that we do. We can share a glass of wine and dinner but your perception of the event is different from mine, even though many of the details are the same. We make a reservation (create a space) and each of us brings light into the space.

When two beings come together in a safe space, where the roles are defined, so one is a giver or holder of space and the other is a receiver of light, then an interesting dynamic unfolds. One light being tethers a space for the other light being to make a Journey into space. Massage is one example. Reconnective Healing is another, although I don't care for the term healing. Light changes the body but we have to make some space first, often with assistance from another light being. Light illuminates paths or potentials that the receiver may not have been aware of until that moment.

I can't give my light to you but I can charge you for creating the space that you fill with light. I work with space in two ways. I selfishly use my light to create the reality that I want to experience, a practice I highly recommend. The other way to work with space is to use your light to illuminate a space, so other beings in that space have a sense of light. I call creating a very specific space and illuminating it with light, Companioning.

Every human has A History Of Light, which is actually a history of space that begins in the body.

I talk about space, light, Companioning, Journeying and related content, not found in many other spaces, in the paid subscription portion of Notes From A Journeyer that I'm in the process of setting up. I'll call it A History Of Light. There will be the free subscription plus an option for subscribers who want to Journey further into space. You bring the light.
