3 min read

The Void

The Void
Splash by David Hockney

Emptiness, nothingness, abyss are synonyms that describe a state of being called the void. The death of someone close, loss of a job, a home, a health challenge or the end of a love story can propel one into the nothingness that is the void.

We do anything to avoid the void. Anxiety, depression, hopelessness and variety of coping strategies are ways to resist. Sex, drugs and alcohol are effective in the short term but eventually we find a way back to the edge of the abyss that is the void.

Void is a noun. A void names a place, an address on the road of life. We're not looking for the void on a map but we need a verb to tell us what to do when we get there. Dive is that word. Diving into the void is counter intuitive yet diving is called for. What if I die? You're going to die anyway, why not die before it's too late. You'll want to sit with a thought like that. There's a surprise in the dive. You’re don't die but come to life. What seemed to be nothing is actually everything.

The void contains the part of being that cannot be revealed in the human story for one simple reason—we are meant to Journey beyond the stories. The void is the interlude between the end of the story and... we're not sure about what comes next because few humans go through the void to complete embodied realization. The endeavor sounds apocalyptic and it is, if you make it.

I think you will.

Here are few tips for navigating the void.

Anxiety, doubt and fear litter the path to the void.

The moment you dive, the anxiety, doubt and fear abate. They don't disappear but become manageable.

If you've come this far, you can’t go back.

Hesitation hurts. Depression is the result. Depression is like having the plug of your energy pulled out of the cosmic wall. The void is what your energy actually feels like, as opposed to second hand energy coming from someone or something else. You've got to plug yourself in. The socket is down there somewhere.

Time alone in nature, near or in water helps.

Nature and pets are a balm any time but particularly in this seemingly empty landscape.

The void is rough on relationships.

All of your human relationships change. A few get better. Many end. Bummer.

Writing or doing something expressive helps.

Take a long walk and talk to yourself. Putting the experience into language helps navigate the void and leads to insights about the Journey. Painting, music, yoga, dance, singing—all help.

Learn to Journey.

Here’s how. Find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes. Try not to fall asleep. If you snooze, you lose in Journeying. Feel the weight of your body and note any background noises. Allow yourself to expand into the Crystalline Realm, while simultaneously using the body to keep you anchored in the Earth realm. Setting an alarm for a brief time is a good idea.

The Crystalline Realm is the crystal clear reflection of your energy, before you use it to create something, a bit like a pile of lego crystals before they are assembled. There are no words or mental images to describe the beauty of the experience because the mind doesn’t function in those realms. Journeying to the Crystal Realms gives the mind a rest and rejuvenates the body—you'll need both to continue in a post-void world.

It feels strange to be awake and not thinking—as you engage the I Am or non-physical senses of awareness and imagination. We have thousands of these senses. The tricky part in Journeying is staying awake and being patient while the chattering mind comes to a standstill.
