3 min read

The Perception Of Light II

The Perception Of Light II
DALL-E Two Earths

Imagine yourself without a body and a human story. Bodies and stories glue human beings to Earth and when these disappear, you become invisible, as in dead, except you're not.

Removing the distractions of a body and a story reveals the essence of being. Call it a presence, a light or the soul. I like the term I Am. The I Am is always present, even while your acting out your finest roles and that's a good thing because it's easy to get lost in stories, forgetting who and where you are. Humans don’t allow in the light of the I Am while they're busy acting out stories and it's understandable because there hasn't been room for both until recently.

We get a sense of the I Am in creative moments, tragic moments and quiet moments. A near death experience is a close encounter with the I Am. No words or thoughts accompany the I AM, so it's hard to know when the I Am is present. The possibility of encountering the I Am goes up when you're alone, traveling or close to death. The I Am brings wholeness to the Journey by distilling the human experience and bringing it to wisdom. But not before you're ready.

The I Am isn't in the script of human stories, a beautiful paradox because the human experience is the route to the I Am.

Wisdom comes when you are ready to wrap up the human gig. Ready is bringing the experience of your many lives to wisdom so you might be useful in the times ahead. God knows we don't need any more actors. God also knows, which is the I Am by the way, that you don't need more human experience. Not really. Been there. Done that. That said, there are things about being a human that might be nice to enjoy on occasion. A walk in the forest. A glass of wine. A fine meal. Making love. Realizing the light of the I Am doesn't mean ditching all of the good stuff from the sensual nature of being human. No. A light being can recreate the body and all the goodies when they desire, where they desire. We're releasing the karmic glue of stories plus the rented bodies of the ancestors so we can allow in more light.

Light behaves in unexpected ways when you stay in the body. By the way, it's far easier for an embodied being to bring light to the planet than a dead person or an angel, which is a big reason to stay (for awhile longer). Light behaves differently on this side of veil, which alters how other humans perceive you. The curious thing about bringing in more light is that you become invisible.

As a boy my brother and I would go shopping with Mom on Saturday. We got an allowance of twenty five cents. Fifteen cents would buy a Classics Illustrated comic book, with enough left over for something sweet. H.G. Wells was one of many authors whose works were abridged and illustrated for a young audience, which is where I met The Invisible Man. The story appealed to my imagination because I was aware, even then, that part of me wasn't here.

The strange thing about light is that you can't see it until it lands on something. We're seeing the effect of light as it lands on every aspect of life. Light is dissolving the old patterns and shaking up stories. Light is altering the weather. Light is creating a separation on the planet, a graceful split between those who desire change and those who want to continue in the old ways. Add to this the departure of Gaia and we're in for a ride.

It’s hard to imagine all of the changes unfolding on one planet and they aren't. We can't force light on any being, which is why a New Earth now exists alongside and actually in the midst of, Old Earth. New Earth is invisible to most humans as long as they are distracted by the old games. It feels strange some days, to be on two Earths simultaneously, until you remember that operating in multiple realms is what the I Am is designed to do. Old Earth and New Earth will stay more or less together to allow those on Old Earth the opportunity to perceive another path, something they cannot do without light.
