3 min read

The Perception Of Light

The Perception Of Light
Perception Of Light in the style of Rene Magritte

I feel light. I sense light in two realities. One is the body. The other is everything outside of the body. It wasn’t always so. Relationships, jobs, beliefs, education, culture and the stuff of human stories tend to restrict light. It’s not that these things are bad, it’s that I never felt much of my light in any of them.

I’ve stopped auditioning for parts in the human drama. The reason: insufficient light. I knew that there was something beyond the stories and I had to open up to it. It is light. Consciousness is the proper term. Light is the practical term. Light is the builder of reality. You can do things with light when you understand that the light belongs to you. The tag line for Notes From A Journeyer refers to light and information. Information is the part of perception that we call energy.

There is more light on the planet now than at any other time which translates into change. If you can feel your light, then change is exiting. Human stories and drama distract from feeling your light. It would be a shame to die without feeling your light and yet most humans wait for the moment of death, if then. It's sad because the light was always there.

When I say I feel light, I mean two things. I feel light through my body, with the five physical senses and I feel light beyond the body with the non-physical senses.

If you have a body and a sense of imagination, then you’re ready to work with light. Human perception is designed to use light to create a reality that reflects the individual consciousness. Without light there is no reality. Everything in your reality reflects light because it's all your light. Other people can reflect light. We often fall in love with a good reflector of light. I love you is really saying that I love what you reflect back to me, even the stuff I don't want to see. Eventually you realize that you don't need other humans to reflect your light. Relationships change. Some get better. Others go sour.

It’s time to get real with light. Set aside the prayers, mindfulness and gratitude. Forget the good deeds and saving the frigging planet. Forget soul mates and twin flames. You want to feel light and it’s easy to do when you own a body. Step one is to allow more light into the body.

You would think that receiving light is a no-brainer but remember that light creates turbulence in the status quo. On a personal scale, light will dissolve relationships and jobs, especially if they aren’t a good fit. Light brings up health issues, not for fixing but for release. We often dial down our light for these very reasons. Light affects the weather much more than carbon emissions ever will. Light accelerates technology. Steve Jobs brought in a lot of light.

It’s easy to get real with a body because the body doesn’t lie. Unlike the mind, the body is very responsive to light but to use light it helps to understand some of the physics. The idea that reality isn’t out there but depends on the observer is called the observer effect. The forest on Vancouver Island doesn’t exist until you get here and create the trees plus a raven or two, all with the perception of light. It’s a tough concept to grasp. The body is the same deal as a forest, just a little closer. The body exists as long as you are in it or want to stay in it and if you plan to stay, then you must constantly re-create the body.

When you feel light, what's happening at the practical level is communication. The body is a bag of cells and other bits that are in constant communication with the owner. In other words, the body is a network of cells and you are the systems administrator. When the bits and pieces stop communicating, dis-ease is in the cards. Cancer is a communication issue in the body.

Can we talk? That's your body speaking. When I feel light, I’m communicating with the networks that create my reality, beginning with the body. Using language doesn't work with light, which is why positive thinking and affirmations aren’t very effective. We have to go beyond language and into the senses, especially the sense of imagination. Feeling is imagination in action, kind of a super sense that doesn't require mental pictures or visualization. Feeling is not emotion. I feel like a pizza doesn’t tell you much about reality, unless you want extra cheese.
