3 min read

The Mystery of The Anasazi II

The Mystery of The Anasazi II
Photo by Johannes Plenio / Unsplash

I contend that the mystery of the Anasazi parallels the mystery present day humans have surrounding death. The Anasazi came to Earth to embody in human form but avoided getting caught in a cycle of incarnations, as most humans are today.

We got lost in stories. Human stories have gravity that eventually pulls a being back to Earth. The Anasazi didn’t take that path. They avoided getting stuck in a cycle of incarnations because they knew something about the death transition that we do not.

Human stories are pretty damn seductive, to the point where we believe it’s all very real. You can’t make this stuff up. Or can you? That fact is, we do and what we make up becomes a story. There are no lessons, no gods to appease, no redemption, no spiritual quests, no goals, no one to save and nothing to fix. Life is one big fat story if and it’s a big IF, the body is functional. When the body breaks down, life ain’t fun.

The Anasazi came to the Earth realm for the same reason that you and I came here—to understand the relationship between consciousness and energy. The only way to do that is to infuse consciousness into a body.

The body is key to the mystery of the Anasazi because the body reflects the consciousness of the owner of the body. The level of consciousness or light that an individual allows into the body determines how fast they age, overall health and the manner of death.

You can’t lie to the body, which is what human stories do and as sweet as the human story is, it’s a lie. What about love, is that a lie also? No, because love is a sense. Love, plus thousands of non-physical senses, go beyond stories so don’t panic.

The human story, the wonderful lie, is responsible for the body breaking down and prematurely aging. Imagine how many bits and pieces of stories from past lives, not to mention the story you’re acting out now, that your body is lugging around.

The Anasazi never made it to the ‘body breaking down’ stage even though the body is designed to get better with age. The cellular communication system in the body, which is really energy, flows or talks all the time. When the cells are talking, we’re healthy. When the cells stop communicating then dis-ease and premature aging are served up at the buffet of a story. Light is a more efficient way for the cells in the body to communicate but for that to happen the conscious communicator, which is you, has to be on board and not sleep walking through a story.

The Anasazi bypassed the endless succession of births, stories and deaths that we got caught in. They knew something about the body that we’ve forgotten. The body allows a souled being to recreate a lighter version of the body before death occurs. The catch is, one can’t make the shift from flesh and bone body to light body from within the human story. The story has to go.

The Anasazi understood that although the physical body is birthed as flesh and bone it is essentially light. What humans call death is the death of the flesh and bone body. When that happens, you take your story with you, unless it’s released prior to the death. The Anasazi avoided the multiple story routine because they knew that stories aren’t really necessary, particularly when one understands the relationship between consciousness and energy.

The relationship between your consciousness and your body is the foundation of the light body. The intriguing thing about the light body is that a being takes the body with them when they exit the Earth realm. This explains how the Anasazi disappeared without a trace.

It’s not possible to integrate light from within the human story. Like the Anasazi, we must Journey beyond. In the past, death meant the death of the physical body, the story never really died. The final story, like the one I am in now, is different from the others. It’s never been done on this scale, which explains my interest in the Anasazi. I want know that it has been done.

Now is the time for the wise ones, those of us who’ve been around the block as they say, to get off the cycle of human incarnations, as an example for others but most of all, to bring light to the planet when the planet needs it the most.
