3 min read

Light and Information

Light and Information
Image by bess.hamiti@gmail.com Pixabay

I’m a Journeyer. It’s a way of declaring, to no one in particular, that I’m at the end of my human stories. I’m ready to go beyond, not leaving the planet just yet but enjoying these last years as both a human AND a Journeyer.

AND is in caps because one can absolutely be both human and Journeyer. It's a transition because most humans aren't ready to wrap up the human portion of the Journey and that's fine. There are benefits to Journeying that are beneficial as you long as you stay in a body. Better energy flow, clarity of mind and a healthy biology are a few.

I've made a choice to make this human story my last one. It's a declaration that with little if any social traction so there are times when I should be posting anything at all. That said, I feel there are those who wonder if there really is more than what feels like an endless cycle of human stories. There is. But you must realize that for yourself. Notes could help.

Most humans are lost in their stories. Nothing wrong with stories except that we tend to get lost in them. In other words, we forget who we are, where we are and why we are. The dilemma, if it could be considered such, is how does one awaken from the cycle of human stories? How do you know when you're done with stories? Journeying is a way to answer these and other questions that a mature story maker will ask.

The challenge of stories is that it's easy and often intentional that the human get lost in them.

A mature story maker, which I'm assuming you are, wonders this: Where am I in the arc of my human stories? Not many humans ask that question. It’s fun playing the game of lost until one suspects there is more to being than acting out endless human stories. Journeying helps to clarify where one is the saga of births, karma and deaths. In short, Journeying informs you of who are, where you are and why you are.

Why is the tricky part of the human equation because Why takes you beyond the human story. Simply put, Why is a purpose for being, the reason for coming into human form in the first place. When you know why you began the Journey into human form then you are free to go beyond it. Why ultimately leads to a choice to wrap up the human gig, as sweet it is or was, get off the cycle of incarnations and go beyond. That’s the point I'm at. It's a point of separation but there's some fine print.

Notes From A Journeyer talks about the fine print or rather my perspective of the fine print. You'll end up writing your own version of Notes. That's good. The writing will help keep you balanced between the human and the Journeyer. Thus Notes is kind of an overview for you to use as a baseline for your experience of going beyond the human story.

Guide For A Journeyer is for those who want to know who they are and where they are in the arc of their life stories. It's safe to say that you are a long way from the beginning and in a way, there is no beginning or ending to stories because there is no time in any realm. We agreed to the illusion of time and some other stuff to make this reality what it is or what it was, because every thing is changing.

I’ll wrap this up with a few questions and responses.  

Q: What's with the name?

Dalur: I am legally Dale Presly. I use the name Dalur going forward with this material. Dale continues to act out his last story. Dalur is a Journeyer.

Q: Why is Journeying important now?

Dalur: Because remembering who and where you are is important now. The Earth has entered a period of intense change which is impacting every life form and system on the planet. Journeying is a way to navigate change, stay grounded in a healthy body and understand what is going on.

Q: Where are you getting this stuff?

Dalur: I’m curious. I wonder. I Journey. I access light and information unavailable to the human in a story. You can too but not from within the story. You have to go beyond the story which is a Journey.

Q: Are there other resources?

Dalur: I’ve been following the CrimsonCircle since the year 2000. I stumbled on CC at a time in my life when I was lost and lost what I thought was everything. I won’t bore you with the details except to say that a failed marriage and bankruptcy were in the mix. These events were a gift because they pried me loose from my story. Crimson Circle is a library of useful information for the awakened and for the awakening human.

Q: What’s next?

Dalur: I'll continue the posts, about 600 words, about once a week. Subscribers can comment. If the information finds a place to land, please subscribe.