3 min read

Temple Of Rejuvenation I

Temple Of Rejuvenation I
The Temple Of Rejuvenation Salvador Dali might have painted

I wrote an article for the September 2022 edition Shaumbra Magazine titled Welcome To The Temple Of Rejuvenation.  It was an attempt flesh out, in a manner of speaking, thoughts about the light body and Rejuvenation. Part I addresses what Rejuvenation is. Part II looks at the practical aspect of Rejuvenation and Part III examines the fine print.

Imagine a Temple of Rejuvenation. Give your Temple a location, beside a lake or in a forest, perhaps a desert. Sketch a mind’s eye image of the structure—the roof, windows, arches, maybe a dome, add whatever architectural features you like. Leave the inside open, so you see the shape of the roof. Allow the details to fill themselves in which they will, responding perfectly to your consciousness.

You’ve just engaged the sense of imagination to Journey to the Temple of Rejuvenation. The senses allow the human to Journey beyond the human story to experience realms that the mind cannot access. It’s sad that humans have forgotten how to Journey but probably not surprising because the mind isn’t designed to operate in the non-physical realms.

Humans are born story makers. We’ve become very good at creating stories. The problem with stories is that they overlap with those of other humans and it’s easy to get lost in the human story. I contend there are three elements of the human experience. One is your I Am or soul awareness. One is the story. One is the body. The human needs a body to act out stories.

How do you know when you've had enough human stories and it might be time to go beyond the human experience?

Spoiler alert. Most humans aren’t aware of the I Am or that consciousness creates the human experience, the body, the planet and everything else. Without consciousness, no thing exists. Most humans aren't dialed into the I Am awareness with the consequence that they hold on to the story at the death of the body. When the story isn't released at death, then the being recreates a sequel upon returning to the human experience. The euphemistic term is karma and it begs the question: How many human stories are enough?

Not many humans ever ask that question. I did. The number I got back was one thousand, give or take about fifty. I’ve been around the block as they say and now it’s time for me to wrap up the human gig. But I’m not leaving the body just yet.

Imagine life without a story. You’re in a post-story world, not dead but very much alive. The relationships with people and situations that you know and love have changed. Some have left, others asked you to leave. You realize that humans are wrapped up in their stories and that it’s not up to you to rescue them. There’s a new found ease and grace in life. You’re older, a little wiser and there are days when you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. Welcome to the Temple Of Rejuvenation.

I don’t want to turn this into a sales pitch because I know that most humans aren’t ready to let go of their stories. What they want is to polish up the story and get better at the game of being human. That’s fine. Releasing the story is challenging when the rest of the planet is at the deep end of stories which is where Rejuvenation comes in.

The Temple Of Rejuvenation is a connection point to the Crystalline Realms. The Temple is a point of separation, a path if you like, that you the Journeyer use to access the Crystalline Realms. You took a few steps along the path when I asked you to imagine a temple. It doesn’t have to be a temple, it could be a cottage or mansion. Every human has their own Crystal Realms but mass consciousness and the mind have closed the door. Artificial intelligence will place a lock on the door but that’s another story.

It’s going to feel strange at first, to be aware in a fluid, free state of being, yet not asleep. It feels good to go beyond the mind and the limitation of a human story but what's intriguing is that you become aware of two very different realms simultaneously. In short, you are a multidimensional being.
