3 min read

Starry Night

Starry Night
Van Gogh - Starry Night Over The Rhone

Once upon a time there were no starry nights. One could say that humans did not have the perceptual band width to perceive stars or maybe no one bothered to look up. Either way, the stars weren’t there because we didn’t see them.

Stars or no stars, there were sheep to tend. The job of a shepherd hasn’t changed much over the years and when it gets dark the shepherd must count the sheep to see who’s missing. Counting sheep is tiring and it’s not uncommon for the shepherd to fall asleep, which is what happened on this particular evening. It was dark when the shepherd opened his eyes or maybe it was her eyes and looked up at a sky full of stars. The shepherd thought they must be dreaming and went back to sleep. But it wasn’t a dream. There are stars in the sky and you can see them when you look up.

If you don’t have a personal creation story, then a Journey through the stars to  a planet called Earth might do. Every speck of light in the night sky is the opening for a souled being and although the sky seems infinite, there are a finite number of stars. No star sits at the end of a straight line a million light years away, the stars are much closer than that. A layer cake might be a more accurate model of the universe.

The Earth is the double fudge layer of the cake. Light permeates the entire cake but when light hits the fudge, it slows down to 186,000 miles per second to give the illusion of time, space and physical reality. Light is slowed on Earth but light really has no speed. Quantum physics is beginning to suspect this. They take a tiny piece of DNA, cut it into two pieces and send one piece into space. They ‘tickle’ the DNA on Earth and the DNA in space ‘laughs’ at exactly the same time. They call it quantum entanglement but it’s the nature of light.

The cake is made of light. Light has no time component so there is no distance between the layers of the cake. The fudge gives the illusion that the layers are separated by huge distances but the layers intersect so 'travel' is where consciousness is focused. The layers, which are properly called the realms and dimensions, exist all around us.

For a long time human consciousness was focused in the fudge layer of the cosmic cake but that’s changing. Everything seems to be speeding up but it’s really not, our perception of time is aligning with the nature of light, which has no time and therefore no speed. The result feels like an everything, everywhere, all at once because past and future are merging in the present moment. It can throw one off because  we are accustomed to searching and working and fighting for our share of stuff. In the timeless or multidimensional state of being, you don't go anywhere, consciousness is stationary, everything comes to you.

The experience of timelessness makes one feel light headed, woozy and anxious, a bit like looking up at a sky full of stars for the fist time. The reality anchor points are shifting, so it’s helpful to understand what’s happening and how to stay grounded. As always, this is a perspective of my Journey. Take what fits for you.

  1. Your star is not out there but a light here.
  2. Most humans will not realize that the light is theirs and continue life in the dense layer of the cake. It’s their choice. That said, humans tend to choose the path with more light.
  3. There are bumpy days because we’re learning to operate in the world of time and no-time, simultaneously.
  4. Time alone or maybe no-time alone, is the greatest gift. Being in nature, in or near water, hanging out with pets, riding a bike, walking, light exercise, napping—help to stay grounded.
  5. The antidote to time is less thinking and more sensing. Engaging the senses, especially awareness and imagination, put one in sync with energy.
  6. The planet is overdue for a change and it's happening. Scientific break throughs and A.I. are one stream. Consciousness, energy and light fill the stream I'm wading into.
  7. A healthy body, a clear mind, abundance and being in sync with energy are the right of a souled being. Paradoxically, these things go missing with age. A star being allows light to enhance communication at the cellular level of biology.
