3 min read

Star Boat Journeyer

Star Boat Journeyer
DALL-E Star Boat Journeyer in the style Rene Magritte

Star Boats were used by ancient cultures to carry beings across the threshold of death into the other realms. Unlike today, death was a signal that it was time to continue a Journey. Crossing water was held as a parallel to the Journey into death so what better means of conveyance than a boat.

The boat could be constructed but its real value is a metaphor for the human imagination, one that would bridge the divide between the physical and the non-physical realms. A metaphor uses symbols and language to engage the imagination. Meta means across and phora means to carry. A Star Boat is a useful metaphor for a Journeyer.

If you’ve ever read a bedtime story to a child, then you know to choose material that triggers pleasant images. Children do not possess the mental filters that adults have and before a certain age a child cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imaginary. It’s as though children have a dim memory of a pre-body life, not surprising considering they have only recently made the Journey into physical form.

The human body is the vessel that carries a being, much like a Star Boat does, to a special star called Earth. Earth is designed to support bodies so it's hard to imagine life on Earth without a body. The body has become an important part of the identity and beliefs that define the human experience so it could be argued that without bodies there would be no stories at all.

Imagine a time before bodies and a planet to put them on. Let’s call it TBB—the Time Before Bodies. In the TBB there were as many souled beings as there are now but most of them weren’t interested in being in the first group to come to Earth. You were among those beings hanging around in the TBB who made the dive into physical form. We don’t remember much about that time because we didn’t have bodies, minds or stories.

A body helps a being create and act out experience in a visceral way. Without the body, we wouldn't be able to act out stories much less remember them.  The body allows a being to sense energy, which makes owning a body a big deal. The cool thing about a body, is that once a being has owned a few bodies they can manifest one in the other realms—not a flesh and bone body but a light body. It's now possible for a conscious being to merge the light body with the flesh and bone body while still alive on Earth.

The fine print involves death, not physical death but release of the story. Letting go of the story enhances the integration of light and information into life via the body.

The human story is a lie. The lie isn't necessarily bad, it's that the story limits the perception of energy. The story has us believe that energy comes from the outside, that we have to fight for it, pray for it or steal it from others. Those are the lies that the body has to carry through life. The body is not designed to hold stories, which is what premature aging, mental breakdown and dis-ease are telling us. A wise being brings the stories to wisdom and releases them prior to death. The less wise carry the story to death and drag story remnants into the Near Earth Realms where they continue to act them out.

The body is the real Star Boat and we don’t have to wait for death to use it. The Journey to the Crystalline Realms is a way to rejuvenate the body. Without going into details, rejuvenation involves light, not sun light but light as communication, which is what energy is. When you realize that the reason for a body is to understand the relationship between consciousness and energy, then you’re done with human stories. Or not. It's your choice.

The Crystalline Realms are a direct connection between your consciousness and energy (which is truth) minus the interference of the story (which is the lie). The Crystal Realms give the body a chance to rejuvenate and the mind a break from the story. The eventual outcome is a lighter, healthier body.
