3 min read

Rejuvenation Session

Rejuvenation Session
DALL-E inspired by Magritte - Humans Flying Through A Portal

For a Journeyer, there are as many realms as stars in the sky. One realm is especially beneficial for the human Journeyer—the Crystalline Realm. The Crystalline Realm is not shared with any other being, although at one time it was. We cut ourselves off from the Crystalline Realms to live off the grid, in a manner of speaking, to understand the relationship between consciousness and energy.

Rejuvenation offers a break from the human story but more than anything, regular Journeys to the Crystalline Realms enhance a process of light integration within the body. The result is a light body or free energy body. The light body is truly yours and not the product of human stories, ancestors or genes. Rejuvenation shifts perspective which alters the individual's reality and ultimately the experience of death. The body doesn’t die and when you choose to end the human portion of your Journey because you take the body with you.

Rejuvenation is not healing nor is it designed to polish up your story so you can be a better human—that's caterpillar talk.

In Notes From A Journeyer I speak about the process of making the story that I’m in now, my final one. It’s tricky for a couple of reasons. One is that relatively few humans are doing it ('It' could be considered awakening) and there are some lonely moments. Secondly, there is no template for ending human stories. The fact is, not many humans wander down this path so writing about it helps me at least. It’s like a public journal except that the public won’t have a clue about I’m talking about. The majority of humans don’t want to go beyond their story. C’est la vie.

Rejuvenation is not healing nor is it designed to polish up your story so you can be a better human. A few more legs and a brighter shade of green is caterpillar talk. Why not go all the way to butterfly? Journeying to the Crystalline Realms is called Rejuvenation. It’s a Journey that takes you beyond your human story which means death is involved. Think about it. Going beyond your story is the death of the story. Once upon a time, that’s exactly what happened. When the body died, the story ended. The death of the body and the human story ended more or less simultaneously. That doesn’t happen anymore. Death is the death of the body but not the end of the story. The story continues in a place called the Near Earth Realms.

Rejuvenation takes you beyond the Near Realms to the Crystalline Realms and there’s no comparing the two. There are lots and lots of dead folks in the Near Realms, except they’re not really dead. They don’t have bodies anymore but they have their stories that they continue acting out. If this sound familiar, it is. You’ve done time in the Near Realms between lives and so have I. Maybe you have enough human experience under your belt to go beyond the cycle of human stories and Near Realm excursions. Only you know that.

To emphasize the point—Rejuvenation takes you beyond the story but you don’t die. That said, Rejuvenation resembles death and could be considered a practice for death. I know, practicing death is a little out there but you’ve had some altered states so why not this. Besides taking a break from your boring repetitive story does a body good.

In Journeyer Rejuvenation, the subscription portion of this site, I go into detail on the experience of Journeying and Rejuvenation, specifically how I bring light into my body and information to life. Your Rejuvenation Journey to the Crystal Realms will be an experience appropriate for you but I want to lead you to the water. Journeyer Rejuvenation is a series of experiences that I call Sessions designed to do exactly that.

Put another way. You’ll have the experience that you allow yourself to have. Allowing is a permission slip that you give yourself to go beyond the limited human story, when you're ready. You’re allowing as you read this. Expanding and opening up feels good in the mind and great in the body. You’re familiar with the expression that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. Rejuvenation is like a big pool of water. Why not dive in? You deserve it.
