3 min read

Post Story

Post Story
A Post Story in the style of Marc Chagall

I’ve known from an early age that this life is different. I’ve never felt comfortable with the identity and beliefs that would become the outline of my human story. Filling in the blanks was frequently more struggle than joy. There was always something missing, not just from my story but from all human stories.

The post-story is different. There isn’t a template for a post-story life, which feels slightly apocalyptic. If I hadn’t known the correct definition of word apocalypse, which means opening, I would freak out. Some days are close. To cope I have to be in nature, far from the madding crowd. Writing helps. The guidelines I create are made on the fly, notes to myself shared with those emerging from the land of stories, ready to continue the Journey.

The post-story is not a shared experience.

Unlike the human story, the post-story isn’t shared with other beings. Sadly, there are no soul mates, twin flames or shoulders to cry on. There's only you, the soul that cannot be known from within a human story. That said, relationships with other humans change because you are now crystal clear about who you are.

There is a sense of separation in the post-story life.

When you know that this story is the final human story, a sense of separation ensues. You’re about to go beyond the cycle of incarnations on a planet where the majority of humans are stuck in story land. You’ll have a new compassion for other humans because you know what they are going through.

The apocalypse makes accessing the other realms, particularly the Crystalline Realms, easier.

The Crystalline Realms are where true rejuvenation of the body and mind occur. Anyone can access the Crystalline Realms, however very few do because they cannot go beyond the story. Hint: it’s easier to Journey from a post-story.

The post-story alters the trajectory of death.

The post-story feels like death because you are letting go of the human story. Death, as is it practiced by modern humans, is the death of the body. Most humans do not release the story at death but carry fragments to the Near Earth Realms where they continue to act them out. The human experience cannot be integrated from within the story, which is the reason for death in the first place.

Repeating stories create energy patterns that interfere with the cellular communications in the body.

This is a tough concept to wrap your karma around. The body was never designed to carry the weight of stories, in other words the body doesn’t lie and cannot carry the lies that human stories generate. The result is premature aging and dis-ease. Rejuvenation is about bringing light into the cellular communication network of the body but this cannot be done from within a story.

The post-story brings the human experience to wisdom.

Ever wonder why wisdom is rare in mature humans?  All the experience in the world is of little use unless integrated and brought to wisdom. The post-story is a good place gather wisdom, the proper endeavor of anyone over the age of 50. Don't wait for death. It’s easier to bring experience to wisdom while you still have a body and the body will live it when you do.

It’s easier to be in sync with your energy outside of the story.

Reality and thus energy, is not shared, even though the story would have us believe otherwise. All the energy is yours. Outside of the story it's easier to be in sync with your energy because you don't have the distraction of other people or the energy distortion of a story. Even the turbulence of mass consciousness is less.

The post-story is more intimate that a human story could ever be.

It was never intended for the Journey to end with the human experience. As sweet as human stories are, they reflect a small part of who we truly are. Realizing who you are is realization. Not many realized beings stay embodied because it’s tempting to leave the dense gravity of Earth with its billions of stories. A post-story is a potential to remain embodied, for a limited time, on a planet that could use the light.
