2 min read

Many Paths

Many Paths
Photo by shawnanggg / Unsplash

Realization is impossible to define because it’s a uniquely personal experience. Two realized beings talk about how they got to realization but it’s never by the same path. The path you walk is the path you create.

It’s a shock to discover that the path of another, one you may have followed, turns out to be a dead end. It’s more shocking to realize how far down someone else’s road you’ve wandered. Realization might begin with the realization that I am the path.

I don’t consider myself a Realm Worker or an energy holder but I share the dilemma of creating a path forward when the work you’ve been engaged in for a long time suddenly comes to an end. It could be a relationship, a job or saving the planet, when the thing ends one is left with the question, what’s next?

There’s no road map for what’s next on planet Earth, which has me wondering if this is a time of many paths as much as it is the time of machines. I’m leaning to the many paths theory because I'm aware that there are many paths, many choices and soon many new Earths.

Realization is four words: I create the path.

It’s a shock to realize that I’m on my own path, that I Am the path. It’s a point of separation, as Tobias calls it. I like the term because a point of separation describes exactly how I feel—lost on some days, exhilarated on others; angry with the world, yet marveling at the beauty of it all.

I wonder what’s next for (a) me and (b) the planet as I lay down a few stones each day and tentatively step forward. It’s new ground that I walk on, virgin soil in the sense that I haven’t planted the future yet. Creating something and then jumping into what was created is scary and there are days I want to turn back were it not for the fact that going back doesn’t lead anywhere except into old energy patterns that I know so well. It’s boring going back and when I’m bored I create drama and, you know the story.

The path is a metaphor for a Journey I began long before I took on human form and created a thousand stories. It's time to resume the Journey, bring the stories to wisdom and walk on, on a path that feels like the flow of my energy.
