3 min read

A Guide To The Other Side

A Guide To The Other Side
DALL-E Crossing Over, in the style of Rene Magritte

In the movie Beetle Juice, the two lead characters come across the Handbook For The Recently Deceased shortly after they die. What made me smile is how often the newly dead couple use the book to help them deal with the living. In the same spirit, I offer A Guide To The Other Side.

1. Death is a struggle for many people. How can I have a good death?

Two things occur in death. One is the death of the body. The other is the release of the human story. It's unnecessary to wait for disease in order to die, yet this is the case when we hold on to the story. Death is about going beyond the human experience, as defined by a story the individual has acted out since birth. The human story is an act. Death is the way out. It's that simple. You don’t have to wait for death to practice going beyond your story. I call it Journeying.

2. How do I know if I’m really dead?

That’s a tough one considering many humans spend their latter years in a grey zone between life and death. Alzheimers is an extreme example. Death denial, false beliefs concerning death, disease and over medication blur the line between life and death. Death is not a fight to the finish, rather a graceful glide to the other side. However, you won't be gliding if you're holding on to a story.

3. Where do I go after death?

Most dead people stay close to Earth for about a week to revisit the places they knew and loved. A small number hang around their old haunts and audition for the part of a ghost. After that, the Near Earth Realm is the number one destination for the recently deceased. As the name suggests, the Near Realms are a non-physical version of Earth.

4. What will I see after death?

You won’t see the way you did with human eyes because you don’t have a body. The senses are your guide to other side, so it's helpful to use them as much as possible prior to death. Imagination is the most common sense newly dead folks use once they become aware (sense of awareness) that they have crossed over. Imagine any beautiful spot in nature that you loved and abracadabra, you’re there.

5. When is judgement day?

You’ll be judged the day after you arrive on the other side. Of course there’s no time on the other side, so the day after never comes.

6. Where are my pets?

The pets will find you. Pets, especially dogs, don’t distinguish between this side and the other side. They knew you were driving home when you were miles away. They’ll find you now.

7. What do dead people miss most about Earth?

A poll of the recently deceased showed that the number one thing they miss about Earth is nature. Sex, food and other people are far down the list.

8. How do I find those I knew on Earth when I cross over?

Those you knew on Earth may have returned to Earth, gone beyond the Near Realms or simply don’t want to be found. Even dead people change. Energetically it’s unlikely they’ll appear as they did on Earth, as one of your parents for example. Many recently deceased folks assume the age they were in their prime, 39 years old is popular.

9. Why do so many of the newly dead end up in the Near Earth Realms?

The short answer is to continue acting out stories. If you don't release the story at death, then fragments go with you to the other side. The Near Earth Realm is the land of your beliefs, so you manifest what you believed, feared and fantasized about while on Earth. It's easy to get pulled back into a body from these realms and before you know it, you're crying in a delivery room.

10. What's beyond the Near Earth Realms?

Freedom from human stories, if that is what you choose and it really is about awareness and choices. The better option is not stopping in the Near Earth Realms but continuing on to the Crystalline Realms where rest and rejuvenation occur. From there, you may decide to return to Earth, pick some groovy parents and live the life you’ve dreamed of. Or choose to wrap up the human gig altogether and apply to be an ascended master.
