3 min read

A Gathering Place

A Gathering Place
A Gathering Place in the style of J.M.W Turner

A post, a piece of writing or any creative expression is a gathering place for a perspective of the world. Perspective is more than a way of seeing the world, perspective creates the world we are in the moment we are in it. An analogy would be learning to fly while stepping off a cliff into thin air.

A gathering place has multiple perspectives, which means that we exist in many places at once but are unaware of the fact because of time. Time doesn’t allow the world of many places to exist simultaneously but insists on one thing at a time. A gathering place overrides the tendency of time to measure experience and gathers all things, whether sequenced in time or not.

The body is the faithful gathering place of human experience at the hard edge of physical reality, a slow motion perspective that informs the owner of the body who and where they are. After you’ve had a few bodies, it’s hard to imagine life without one and it raises an interesting question. If I exist in a body and the body dies, what happens to my gathering place. What happens to me?

The body is possibly the first gathering place a conscious being ever has. The body gives one a sense self, the sense of a boundary and an array of sensual experience that angels and airy beings don’t have. There’s nothing like a thousand births and deaths to bring one to their senses. Kidding. But not really. Without the human experience, a being does not have a gathering place, a perspective and therefore cannot create reality. Angels are sweet but they're kind of useless.

Nothing in the galaxy gathers you up quite like the human experience and once you’ve done a few hundred tours of Earth, you’re ready for some serious creation.

The Anasazi knew this. Even then, there was an understanding that once a being had an embodied experience, they could contribute to the group in a substantial way. I can’t say what the ultimate purpose was in coming to Earth but the Anasazi decided that every member of that particular spiritual family should experience a body. The Anasazi prepared for the Journey the Earth.

The preparation was important because the Anasazi did not want to get trapped in the cycle of incarnations that most humans are in today. They stayed together as a group and rather then send a few members to Earth and wait for them to remember where they were, the Anasazi limited the human experience to one birth and one death. They would incarnate once, produce offspring so other members of the group had a body to come into and then depart. The pattern continued for several thousand years until all of the members had a single incarnation, then they left. Without a trace.

This is not a story about the Anasazi and I am not from that spiritual family. This is a shift in perspective and it's up to you whether you can or even want to make the shift. It seems to be a good preparation for death and there is no other way to approach a topic that goes beyond the Earth realm. The Anasazi left few artifacts, no human bones and no descendants which has prompted theories about how the Anasazi vanished that are at best, childish.

Undertaking the human Journey is a tricky proposition because of the real possibility of forgetting why one came to Earth in first place. Ring a bell? The Anasazi were well aware of this so they shifted their perspective of death. The Anasazi created an energetic path through death, a path that any human can follow today.

The Anasazi have departed the area of New Mexico and the four corners area of the southwestern United States but it's still possible to feel the energy of that gathering place today. You don’t have to physically travel, you can Journey there any time you like. After all, you have a body and you are a human being.

An Anasazi Path Through Death is the working title of what could be a book. The posts are a gathering place for that endeavor and will become my path beyond the Earth realm. Only a being who has had human incarnations can create a path through the realms, holding a presence which is a light, for others to 'see' if they choose. Angels cannot do this. Somewhere along the way, we’ve forgotten how. It's time to bring these skills back to a gathering place.
